The latest stories, blog articles, and pricing news from the Ibbaka team
AI pricing studies: Cohere LLM
Cohere offers an alternative Large Language Model and has a nice, clear pricing page. Let’s look at what Cohere’s pricing says about their offer and compare it with’s published pricing for GPT.
Pricing and Generative AI
We are being swamped by generative AI content. This is one of the early use cases for generative AI and both large, well established, companies and start-ups like Jasper and are jumping in. Let’s look at how companies are innovating in this space and capturing the value of their innovations.
Evaluating your pricing performance with the Pricing & Value Diagnostic Checklist
The Pricing & Value Diagnostic Checklist serves as a valuable tool to conduct a rapid evaluation of your pricing performance and processes, enabling you to identify areas for improvement and take necessary corrective measures.
Unleashing the power of understanding in value and pricing
In the dynamic world of customer value and pricing, finding the right words to capture complex concepts can be a challenge. The term “grok” and why we implemented this to our LinkedIn newsletter - explore the origins of this intriguing term and why it resonates with our mission to unlock the true power of understanding in value and pricing.
Lessons learned from the Reddit API pricing kerfuffle
Reddit introduced API pricing in the spring of 2023. In many ways it was well motivated, but it generated a lot of community blowback and damaged Reddit’s reputation. What can we learn from Reddit’s experience?
Pricing Diagnostics and Rapid Response (PeakSpan Master Class)
Take control of your pricing with our upcoming Master Class with PeakSpan Capital. Our highly anticipated event is on “Pricing Diagnostics and Rapid Response” and will equip you with a practical action plan that empowers you to swiftly diagnose and take control of your pricing strategy.
A new take on SaaS metrics and pricing
Kyle Poyar at OpenView has proposed a new set of SaaS metrics to better measure Product Led Growth and diverse revenue streams. What are these new metrics? What do they mean for pricing design? Is Value to Customer (V2C) the missing metric?
SaaS grows up (and gets grown up pricing problems)
The SaaS business model has matured. With this maturity comes slower growth, more competition, more scrutiny by buyers and procurement and the need for better price management and customer value management.
Pricing is an open game
There are many ways to think about pricing as a game. One that helps us align pricing with innovation is the open game. What does it mean for pricing to an open game? How does it change how we build pricing capability?
The Ethics of Pricing AI
We will be making extensive use of AI in pricing. In fact, we have been using some form of AI for many users as revenue management and pricing optimization engines are based on one form of AI or another. By the past year feels different, and the next three years will be different. What are the requirements for the ethical use of pricing in AI?
Prioritizing NDR growth choices
With six levers to use to improve NDR where should you focus your effort? Make sure churn is under control then look for where you can have the biggest impact.
Why You Should Use Value Stories Instead of Conjoint Analysis for B2B Pricing
More and more B2B business are using conjoint studies to inform packaging and pricing. But conjoint studies were originally designed for B2C and caution is needed in extending them to B2B. Structured interviews using a value story can provide more actionable insights.
NDR Growth Tactics 6: Managing Churn
The sixth NDR lever is churn management. Churn is the great enemy of SaaS businesses and understanding why churn is happening and how to reduce it is a critical part of managing a SaaS business. Churn is the denominator in the equation for customer lifetime value.
NDR Growth Tactics 5: Reduce Package Down-sell
The fifth NDR lever is reducing downsell, where customers move from a more expensive to less expensive package. How can one avoid this, or at least minimize the impact? We explore this challenge here.
NDR Growth Tactics 4: Avoid Package Shrinkage
The fourth NDR lever is avoiding, or minimizing, package shrinkage. One thing that can reduce NDR is reduction in revenue from an existing package. What can we do to eliminate, or at least minimize, in package shrinkage?
NDR Growth Tactics Webinar | May 11, 2023
Join Karen Chiang and Steven Forth for a webinar on tactics to improve Net Dollar Retention, sponsored by Vantec, WUTIF and EFund. May 11, 2023 at 8:00 AM Pacific Time.
Selective Bias
Value is the driving force behind many actions—personal or business. As a result, we all carry a priority list organized around things important to us - the value that emerges from activities, products, services or engagements. Ibbaka Valio connects many elements into a compelling value story.
Generative AI, SaaS Innovation, Value and Pricing
Generative AI is attracting a lot of interest as an innovation platform. How will generative AI be used to create value? How will that value be priced?
NDR Growth Tactics 3: Promote Cross-Sell
The third NDR level is to promote cross sell. NDR applies at the customer level so cross selling will improve NDR. Cross sell can include both value added services and additional product lines. Both can have a big impact on revenue and profitability.
From Nowhere to Now Here
Tiny changes often result in unexpected results. But understanding those insignificant adjustments lead to appreciated outcomes, especially in pricing.
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