NDR Growth Tactics Webinar | May 11, 2023
Steven Forth is a Managing Partner at Ibbaka. See his Skill Profile on Ibbaka Talio.
Please join Karen Chiang and Steven Forth for a webinar on Pricing and Net Dollar Retention. We are offering this webinar with the support of Vantec, WUTIF Capital and E-Fund.
The key themes will be
How pricing impacts company valuation
Why investors are tracking net dollar retention in today's current market conditions
A simple process for using pricing to improve net dollar retention
Examples of companies that have used pricing to improve net dollar retention
Ibbaka also provides a Checklist for Pricing and Net Dollar Retention that you can download here.
Net Dollar Retention (NDR) or Net Revenue Retention (NRR) to use the more generic term have become a priority for most SaaS businesses. The reasons are simple.
Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC) have already been covered so this is a very cost efficient form of growth
Buyers and to investors want to be sure a solution delivers value; NDR growth is strong evidence of value
Positive NDR shows that the company has the ability to overcome the natural account churn that is part of any SaaS business
There are six factors that determine Net Dollar Retention, three positive and three negative. All six will be covered in the webinar.
The six NDR factors are often shown using the NDR waterfall. This is a powerful tool to understand what levers are driving NDR and where actions should be focussed.
Ibbaka has a compelling framework for delivering NDR growth, one that is well supported in the Ibbaka Valio platform.
For additional ideas on how to improve Net Dollar Retention see this series of eight posts.
NDR growth tactics 3: Promote Cross Sell
(Coming Soon)
NDR growth tactics 4: Avoid Package Shrinkage
NDR growth tactics 5: Discourage Downsell
NDR growth tactics 6: Reduce Churn
Prioritizing NDR growth choices
Download the NDR Report here
Read other posts on Net Dollar Retention
Pricing Diagnostics and Rapid Response (Master Class with PeakSpan)
Using Pricing to Optimize NDR (Master Class with PeakSpan)
Net Revenue Retention (NDR) impacts the value of your company