The latest stories, blog articles, and pricing news from the Ibbaka team

Steven Forth Steven Forth

Best practices in introducing new pricing

Introducing a new pricing model is a strategic transition. How you price says a lot about your company. How you introduce new pricing communicates your value and your values. A good plan, embedded in an OODA loop, is the key to success.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

NRR Performance Analysis: 4 Examples

NRR (Net Revenue Retention) performance varies widely. Here we share four examples from the PeakSpan Ibbaka NRR Survey for 2024. Understanding the performance of other companies can help you devise the strategy to improve your own.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

What makes a good value model? Tom Nagle’s view

Value models are the key to value based pricing and value based sales. What are the characteristics of a good value model? Ibbaka is exploring this with a group of experts. Here we go to the source and elaborate on Tom Nagel’s approach to value modeling and what makes for a good value model.

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Edward Wong Edward Wong

Comparing the Pricing Pages of AiSDR,, and

AI SDRs have been getting a lot of attention in rev ops and demand generation circles. We reviewed three of the top vendors in ‘Understanding how generative AI SDRs are revolutionizing sales development.’ In this post we use a generative AI to compare their pricing pages and unique selling propositions.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Steps on the path to generative pricing

Generative pricing emerged as a response to the pricing requirements of second generation generative AI applications, but the five steps at the heart of the approach are generally applicable. They provide a foundation for a new approach to price optimization, one based on the value being delivered.

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Edward Wong Edward Wong

Understanding how generative AI SDRs are revolutionizing sales development

Sales led growth continues to be the dominant growht mption in B2B SaaS with more than 70% of SaaS companies relying on this approach. How will generative AI impact sales led growth? One place is early in the sales funnel. Sales Development Representatives (SDRs) are responsible for qualifying and prepping opportunities. Can this be done by AI?

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

The uses of value models

Value models are the way to connect the different business processes that deliver the customer experience. What is a value model? How are they used? In this pot we connect the dots.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

A Quick Guide to Net Revenue Retention Factor Analysis

Most SaaS companies know their Net Revenue Retention (NRR) number. They even know the trend. But NRR is composed of several different factors. It is not enough to know top level NRR. One needs to understand each of the six NRR factors, how they are trending and how they interact.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

The Path to Generative Pricing

Generative pricing will come to dominate B2B SaaS pricing over the next decade, but most companies will begin by taking small steps to get there. The five steps are to (i) build a value model, (ii) use feature flags, (iii) map features to value, (iv) design a pricing model based on the feature-value mapping, (v) have pricing define configuration (or vice versa).

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Pricing approaches for generative AI applications

How should generative AI applications be priced? We asked our community in a flash poll, here are the results and our point of view on the emerging best practices for monetization and pricing of generative AI applications.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Generative Pricing

Applications built on generative AI platforms have emerging properties and will need a new approach to pricing. Software applications are becoming composable, conversational and adaptive. Pricing needs to respond. A new approach to pricing is needed. Let’s call it generative pricing.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Value stories are the key to value based pricing success

Value based pricing is the key to sustained growth in B2B SaaS. But having a value model and a value based price is just the beginning. You have to be able to communicate that value in a value story. The form of the value story evolves over the customer journey.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

AI pricing metrics showing up in multiple SaaS verticals

Certain pricing metrics are associated with AI applications. In this year’s PeakSpan Ibbaka Survey of NRR we are seeing pricing metrics associated with AI showing up in multiple verticals, a significant change from last ear.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Some companies are still driving outstanding NRR performance

There has been a lot of doom and gloom about trends in Net Revenue Retention. But there are still some companies driving extraordinary performance. We look at one example from the open PeakSpan Ibbaka Survey on Net Revenue Retention in 2024.

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