The latest stories, blog articles, and pricing news from the Ibbaka team
Deconstructing SaaS discounting
Discounting is a fact of life in B2B SaaS. If you are going to discount, how should you do so? A fine grained approach can pay big dividends. First unpack discount to reflect the structure of your offer. Then repackage discounts to align with your business strategy and how you negotiate.
AI Pricing: What does Box AI tell us about AI pricing trends?
The layering in of AI has led Box to adjust its pricing. What can we learn from this that will help us to price other AI powered solutions?
What to price? Products, Use Cases, Value Paths - Poll Results
Our thoughts on what to price, products, use cases or value paths seem to have struck a nerve. We did a LinkedIn poll on this theme and got more than 300 responses in 24 hours. Pricing of value paths is much more common than we expected.
What to price? Products, Use Cases, Value Paths
Pricing is often divided into product pricing or services pricing. This is too simple an approach for companies that provide solutions to complex problems. Use cases and value paths can be a more compelling approach to pricing for companies that do more than sell a simple well defined product.
Questions to ask before hiring a pricing consultant
When and how do you hire a pricing consultant? Pricing consultants have the power to streamline your pricing strategies and enhance profits, yet they may also complicate matters with too much analysis. This article offers crucial advice on when and how to choose a pricing expert wisely.
Price It Right: Value over Time shapes pricing
Dive into the intricacies of customer value delivery over time, and discover actionable strategies to ensure your pricing aligns with evolving customer needs. Explore practical guidance aimed at crafting pricing strategies that capture value and drive success, from prioritizing services to comprehending value evolution and cost dynamics.
Pricing and Planning: 3 Approaches to Discounting
Discounting is a persistent challenge in B2B SaaS. That is not likely to change as there are good reasons to discount. Here we consider three ways that discounts can change over time.
AI Pricing: Will the popularity of RAGs change how we price AI?
RAGs or Retrieval Augmented Generation archiectures are becoming a common approach to the design generative AI. They tend to require more context in the prompt changing the cost dynamics. How will this impact their pricing?
Interview with Dick Sobel on Pricing Acuity
We had the pleasure of speaking with Dick Sobel, a seasoned professional in the field of pricing, as he shared his journey from the mid-90s to PricePoint Partners. Dick delves into the intricacies of pricing Acuity and sheds light on its applications in the market. Join us as we explore his perspectives on the evolving landscape of pricing, the impact of AI, and advice for those considering a career in this dynamic field.
AI Pricing: Operating Costs will play a big role in pricing AI functionality
SaaS vendors are used to high operating margins where costs are a minor consideration in pricing. AI is changing this. AI is expensive to develop and to operate. Will this change pricing models?
Pricing and Planning: What will shape SaaS pricing in 2024?
In January we did a simple LinkedIn poll asking what will shape SaaS pricing in 2024. The results reflect the current zeitgeist but are we chasing the shiny new thing?
Pricing and Planning: Will usage-based pricing continue to drive growth?
Usage or consumption pricing has been widely recommended by SaaS pricing experts over the past few years. How well has it been performing? How resilient will it be in a more challenging economy?
Craft a Winning Pricing Strategy to Maximize ARR Growth and Valuation: Webinar with the Software Equity Group
Join Paul Lachance from the Software Equity Group and Steven Forth from Ibbaka for a spirited discussion of how to craft and execute a winning pricing strategy and the impact this can have on valuation.
Pricing and Planning: The SaaS Business Environment in 2024
B2B SaaS will face headwinds in 2024 as buyers consolidate their SaaS solutions and insist that value be delivered. AI will transition from being a cool gadget to must have functionality.
AI Pricing: Microsoft will frame AI pricing in 2024
Microsoft will play a key role in framing AI pricing in 2024. The decisions it makes on packaging, bundling, pricing metrics and pricing levels will act as anchors for buyers of many different applications.
AI Pricing: 2024 will be a year of AI Monetization
If 2023 was the year AI went mainstream then 2024 will see the focus shift to monetization. Ibbaka has conducted extensive research on AI monetization that we are now summarizing in this report.
Ibbaka’s Webinars and Podcasts in 2023
Sometimes it is nice to sit back and just watch and listen. And webcasts and pod casts open the possibility of conversations. Here are the webcasts and pod casts that Ibbaka joined in 2023. Watch, listen, enjoy, comment.
Pricing and Planning for 2024
Pricing is a critical business input and needs to be planned. Here is some guidance on how to plan pricing for 2024. Align Goals. Establish a baseline. Plan actions.
AI and Pricing in 2023
2023 was the year AI went mainstream. Many companies began to invest in AI or to feature their AI based functionality. Ibbaka has been following this closely, providing research, perspectives and frameworks. Here are some of our key posts.
Pricing and Planning: Should You Increase Prices?
One of the most common questions that people ask Ibbaka is whether they should raise prices. B2B SaaS companies need to be careful about how they answer this question. The impact on Net Revenue Retention and usage needs to be considered.
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