The latest stories, blog articles, and pricing news from the Ibbaka team

Steven Forth Steven Forth

How will a recession change market dynamics and impact your pricing strategy

Market dynamics can change in a recession and a change in market dynamics can motivate a change in pricing strategy. Market dynamics differ by segment and customers can change segments with a recession. Prepare for 2023. Think through how a change in market dynamics could require changes to your pricing strategy.

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Rashaqa Rahman Rashaqa Rahman

Pricing in consolidating markets

Some are predicting a recession in 2023. With recessions, one often sees market consolidation. The number of potential customers, or the number of pricing units, or both, can decline. This has implications for both pricing and growth models. Leaders need to be prepared to respond.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Value Driver Priority and Pricing Under Growth and Interest Rate Scenarios

As you plan pricing actions for 2023, take into account more than one scenario. Two of the critical uncertainties are around interest rates and economic growth. These combine to call different value drivers to the top of a buyer’s mind. The relative importance of different value drivers for target segments has a big impact on pricing strategy and execution.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

When should pricing get involved in innovation?

Innovation is a core capability for companies as they adapt to the changing economy. Pricing experts could make a big contribution to directing innovation towards creating differentiated value but they seldom do so. To really engage with innovation leaders, pricing experts need to understand the various innovation frameworks and add value to them.

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Growth Models, Service-Led Growth, Value Capture Karen Chiang Growth Models, Service-Led Growth, Value Capture Karen Chiang

Growth Models to Drive your Company's Performance to Best Capture Revenue

Growth demands that both trust and value are well realized by your customer. Customers are expecting value to be delivered to them and the Service-Led Growth model can drive higher, sustainable, and predictable growth (revenues). This is especially true when customer centricity relies on the synergy between expertise, platforms, and insight to drive the business relationship that in turn drives monetization. The SLG model can be a more powerful way to increase and accelerate value delivered as customer relationships mature over time.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Inflation does not give you a carte blanche to raise prices

Some companies think that price increases will be easy in 2023, given the expectations created by inflation. They are wrong. Inflation is different in different industries and in some cases inflation makes it harder to raise prices as people become more cost conscious. Ibbaka can show you if and how you should raise prices.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Reflections on pricing practice

While on medical leave, I had a chance to take a step back and think about emerging issues and best practices in pricing. I put down some of these thoughts in a series of posts on LinkedIn: Pricing Generic AI, Pricing Microservices, Organizing Value Drivers, Integrating Pricing Models, The 4Cs of Pricing. I also shared some thoughts on design from my stay in hospital.

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Guest User Guest User

Use Value to Stop Losing Deals

Fixing poor sales or pricing performance doesn’t have to be hard! Many of these challenges ultimately are centered around understanding the customers biggest pains, and the real value of solving those problems. In this article, we help you take a methodical look at why sales teams lose deals and what to do about it.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Questions boards should ask CEOs about pricing

Inflation and a possible recession. Many companies are circling the wagons and shifting to survival mode. This means different things for different companies, but in all cases, pricing should be at the center of the board conversation. Here are 5 Questions that boards should be asking CEOs about pricing.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Pricing for NDR (Net Dollar Retention)

Over the past 6 months, we have seen many companies shift their focus from ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue) to growing NDR (Net Dollar Retention - also known as Net Revenue Retention). How do you use the value and pricing levers to grow NDR?

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Executing on Usage-Based Pricing

Usage-Based Pricing is a hot topic. It fits well with Product-Led Growth (PLG) and is a critical step on the way to Outcome-Based Pricing. Ibbaka and OpenView Venture Partners have been documenting what you need to do before, during, and after you introduce Usage-Based Pricing.

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Gregory Ronczewski Gregory Ronczewski

Core Concepts: Usage-Based Pricing

Usage-Based Pricing uses a measure of usage as a pricing metric. It is often combined with other pricing metrics to create a hybrid pricing model. Research has found that companies who include a usage-based metric grow faster. A well designed usage-based pricing metric connects price to value.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

The 4Cs of Pricing and How they Interact

Gerry Smith is one of the people who has shaped how we think about pricing. This post covers the 4Cs of pricing: Customer Value, Customer Willingness to Pay, Competition and Costs. The 4Cs interact with each other and we tease out some of the ways this happens.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

5 Characteristics of a Superior Pricing Model

B2B SaaS companies are waking up to the importance of pricing. There is a lot of work going into building pricing excellence. But what does pricing excellence mean? And how do you build it? The foundation of pricing excellence is being able to design and execute on a superior pricing model. In this post, we look at the 5 most important characteristics.

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