The latest stories, blog articles, and pricing news from the Ibbaka team

Steven Forth Steven Forth

The Critical Questions to Ask about Pricing in 2022

What questions should you be asking about your pricing as we begin 2022? The potential impact of inflation is one. Higher interest rates are another. How will you use pricing to increase the value of your company?

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

What is your 2022 growth strategy? A simple survey

There are many ways for an organization to grow and many possible growth strategies to adopt. One can take a sales-led growth, or product-led growth, or service-led growth approach. Growth can come from existing offers or new offers. It can be organic or come from acquisitions. One can grow in an existing market or enter new markets. What is your growth strategy for 2022? Please take the survey. The results will be shared in March 2022.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Pricing and the growth mindset

In his excellent new book, Pricing for Growth (Jeff Robinson), asks us to adopt a growth mindset for pricing. A growth mindset (as opposed to a fixed mindset) assumes we are operating in a world full of opportunities that learning is central to execution. Will you adopt a growth mindset for pricing in 2022?

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Rashaqa Rahman Rashaqa Rahman

Why documenting value creation is essential to customer value management

Fashioning a business with value at the center requires a commitment to ongoing value creation for customer stakeholders. In depth understanding of how value is created for the customer is foundational to designing fair and effective value-based pricing. It also creates positive customer experiences across the customer lifecycle. Customer value management is an emerging business practice that manages value to customer (V2C) across the full customer journey.

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David Lovejoy David Lovejoy

Understanding relative value and customer success

David Lovejoy has joined Ibbaka in customer success for our pricing and customer value management work. Here he gives his first ideas on the importance of value and customer value management. He also shares his skill profile, which will grow over the coming months as he gains experience.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Metrics for Service-Led Growth

How do you know if you are executing on a service-led growth model? Like any business model having a clear set of metrics that you are tracking and planning to is critical. For service-led growth, the metrics need to capture both sides of the service-led growth flywheel and the interactions. The best overall metric is net aggregate customer lifetime value.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Value paths guide the customer journey

The power of customer journey mapping is well understood in the service design world. Ibbaka has introduced swimlanes for value and price into the customer journey. It is important to remember that the customer journey is not a given, it is designed. Value mapping is the key tool to design the customer journey experience.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

How to Choose a Pricing Metric

Choosing a pricing metric is the most important pricing decision you will make. It is what frames all of your pricing decisions. The pricing metric should track the value metric so that you can frame your pricing in terms of the value you deliver. Here is a simple process to help you choose your pricing metric.

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Ed Arnold Ed Arnold

Five Pricing Challenges (that may not really be pricing challenges)

Pricing challenges come in all shapes and sizes. In some cases, the pricing challenge is a symptom of some other underlying issue, not something that can be solved with a quick pricing fix. Understand the five major types of pricing challenges. Then use the Ibbaka Pricing Diagnostic to answer some questions on the type of pricing challenge that you have. Ibbaka will respond with a preliminary diagnosis.

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Ed Arnold Ed Arnold

Is it Time to Change Your Pricing?

Prices cannot be left static. Differentiation value changes as your customers change their own business and as new competitive alternatives enter the market. There are several different reasons to reconsider your pricing. Explore these with the Ibbaka Pricing Diagnostic.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Who benefits from good pricing?

Ibbaka speaks with a lot of people about value and pricing. Sometimes, when people hear that we are pricing experts, they assume that we are out to gouge buyers. This could not be more wrong. Good pricing aligns the interests of the buyer and seller.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

What is the value of value-based pricing?

Value-based pricing emerged from the need to price differentiated products and services in the B2B context. Price optimization models based on simplistic economic theories proved inadequate for complex solutions with multiple stakeholders in the decision making unit. But over the past two decades, applications have expanded, first to sales and marketing, then to product management and marketing and most recently to customer success.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

How should we organize pricing challenges?

People come to Ibbaka with many different pricing challenges. Sometimes these are symptoms for deeper problems. How can we organize the many different types of pricing challenge and diagnose the root causes?

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Is Service-Led Growth relevant to manufacturers?

Service-led growth offers a compelling alternative to product-led growth. It requires less investment capital and builds stronger and more durable relationships with customers. These relationships drive the insights needed for meaningful innovation. But is service-led growth relevant to manufacturing?

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

What is in a price?

Sometimes we think of price as a number, the number, often ending in a 9 or 7 or 5, that we see on the pricing page. But to price effectively one needs to think of a price in the context of what is priced and how the price is presented. Price is a lot more than just the number on the price tag. It is how we frame value communicate differentiation.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

What is Service-Led Growth?

Service-led growth (SLG) is a new approach to growing resilient, adaptive and sustainable companies. It is based on a growth flywheel that is kicked off with services, that lead to subscriptions, data is gathered to generate insights, that lead to new services. It is an alternative to product-led growth that is less dependent on external financing.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Why Customer Value Management Requires Value-Based Pricing

Customer value management (CVM) is the most important business discipline. It helps companies across the value cycle of create, communicate, deliver, document and capture value. The result is that companies can track V2C (Value to Customer) and make sure that V2C and LTV (Lifetime Value of a Customer) are aligned. This requires methods from value-based pricing.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

The Service Design Network approach to fair global pricing

Many organizations struggle to adjust prices for local markets. Price setting in these markets is often arbitrary but it does not have to be. One can adjust pricing for international markets in a way that is fair, consistent and transparent. The Service Design Network provides a recent example.

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