The latest stories, blog articles, and pricing news from the Ibbaka team
The Chief Value Officer - An interview with Stephan Liozu
Stephan Liozu has been a driving force in the pricing community for more than a decade. He is currently the Chief Value Officer (CVO) at the multinational engineering company Thales, where he is defining what it means to be a CVO. Stephan is also a prolific author and educator in the world of pricing and has been leading research into areas like data monetization, pricing for the Industrial Internet of Things and the ethics of pricing AIs.
How to Test if your Service-Led Growth Flywheel is Spinning
Just because you have professional services and software subscriptions and data does NOT mean you are driving a service led growth model. You have service led growth when services predict subscriptions and subscriptions predict revenue. Prediction is key. To really get the crank turning, data is also monetized and the platform is constantly reducing the cost of service delivery while increasing its value.
Enabling Usage-Based Pricing - Interview with Adam Howatson of LogiSense
Usage-based pricing puts new requirements on the systems we use to manage pricing and billing. LogeSense was designed for usage-based pricing and to support hybrid pricing models. We spoke with CEO Adam Howatson to understand where a leading vendor sees usage-based pricing going.
Capabilities - Skills around the value cycle
The fourth choice in the strategic choice cascades is capabilities is capabilities. In order to manage value and capture value back into pricing you need to understand the skills needed to create, communicate, deliver, document and capture (price) value and make sure these are available at each touchpoint along the customer journey. It is not enough to do this internally. Customers may need new skills to understand and participate in the value your offer.
Pricing Transparency - a conversation with Xiaohe Li, Stella Penso, Kyle Westra
Pricing transparency is a trending topic. Many companies are struggling with how much pricing transparency to provide and whether the transparency is around how they set prices or the actual price levels. Ibbaka reached out to three people with deep practical experience in how to answer this question. See our interview with Xiaohe Li, Stella Penso and Kyle Westra.
How to Win - Portfolio and Pricing Choices are Well Matched
The third choice in the strategic choice cascade is how to win. In pricing, how to win choices are where you align your pricing and portfolio with your target market. This is product market fit, with fit including your pricing model and market including your competitive positioning. Connecting the value metric and pricing metric is an important part of this work.
Assessing organizational approaches to pricing, segmentation and value creation - how to get started
Have you ever wanted to pause and take an outside-in view into your organization’s approach to pricing, positioning and value creation? At Ibbaka, we understand that assessing one’s market approach is not an easy undertaking. We want to enable both new and mature organizations to take a disciplined approach to assessing their pricing and go-to-market strategy. Which is why we have designed a The Ibbaka Self-Assessment Tool to get you started.
Integrating Value-Based Pricing with Product Leadership - an interview with Ed Arnold
Product management, customer experience (CX) and value-based pricing are strong complementary skill sets. They are seldom found in one person, but when they are that person is uniquely positioned to give us insights into how these fit together. Ed Arnold is one such person. It this interview we explore the interplay of these three skillsets and how they inform critical choices in B2B growth.
Where to Play - Making Pricing Choices to Define your Market
The second choice in the strategic choice cascade is where to play. In pricing, where to play choices are based on a value-based market segmentation. A good segment is one where potential customers get value in the same way and buy in the same way. The segmentation helps one to target the most attractive customers.
Managing your B2B Offer in 3D
Service led growth businesses combine data insights with a software product or platform and professional services. In some cases, hardware components are part of the total solution. But customers do not experience these as different things. The customer experience is holistic. To win with the services led growth, you have to think like your customers. Every dimension of the solution is a force multiplier for the others.
Winning Aspirations - What pricing goals are we trying to achieve
The first choice in the strategic choice cascade is your winning aspirations. Pricing is a powerful lever and it can do many things, but it cannot do everything at the same time. Building alignment on what your pricing strategy is meant to achieve is the first step to a winning pricing strategy.
Strategic Alignment is Critical to Pricing Outcomes - Use a Strategic Choice Cascade to Frame Pricing Decisions
Roger Martin’s Strategic Choice Cascade is a powerful way to frame strategy. Ibbaka has developed a version of this specific to pricing choices. Karen Chiang and Steven Forth will be giving a workshop on how to apply this framework at the Spring 2021 Professional Pricing Society Virtual Conferece.
How to Introduce Usage-Based Pricing
Usage-based pricing is one of the themes in 2021. Both product led growth and service led growth strategies work best when there is an element of usage based pricing. But where to start? We walk you through the best way to layer in usage-based pricing.
Product-Led or Service-Led Growth: Which is a Better Fit for Your Business?
Service Led Growth or Product Led Growth? Both are compelling strategies that can generate extraordinary growth and shareholder value. Ed Arnold provides a guide on who to make this important strategic growth.
Segmentation drives the focus needed for successful marketing - An interview with Geoff Hansen
Geoff Hansen sees more market segmentations in a year than most of us will see in a lifetime. He has a sharp eye for what works and has heard pretty much every excuse out there on why not to segment or target. We tapped into Geoff for some of his wisdom.
4 Paths to Service-Led Growth
Organizations follow three different paths to adopting a service led growth strategy. They can start with a software platform, a professional services business or with disruptive new technology. Service led growth leads to higher value to customer (V2C) no matter what path you take.
Pricing for Service-Led Growth
Service led growth is an emerging discipline that brings together professional services, software and data to create a growth flywheel. To execute on service led growth pricing must be considered as a system and systems engineering principles applied. This post introduces service led growth and its special pricing considerations.
5 Speed Bumps for B2B Digital Product Growth
Digital products are part of the strategy of almost all companies, be they born on the web, traditional manufacturers moving into the Internet of Things or professional services companies executing a service led growth strategy. Ed Arnold walks us through a some of the key obstacles to growth and makes available his Digital Product Growth Playbook.
Why service companies discount software ... and why they need to change
More and more services companies are weaving software into their solutions. There is a tendency at some companies to discount the software to maintain margins on professional services. This sends the wrong message to customers and internally. Discounts services before you discount software.
Pricing is central to strategy and positioning - a conversation with Rob Litterst
Over the past few years, Rob Litterst has emerged as one of the most compelling new voices in pricing. His Good Better Best blog has consistently insightful content. He is able to look at a company’s pricing page and see its pricing strategy and positioning.
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