The latest stories, blog articles, and pricing news from the Ibbaka team

Karen Chiang Karen Chiang

Winning Aspirations - What pricing goals are we trying to achieve

The first choice in the strategic choice cascade is your winning aspirations. Pricing is a powerful lever and it can do many things, but it cannot do everything at the same time. Building alignment on what your pricing strategy is meant to achieve is the first step to a winning pricing strategy.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

How to Introduce Usage-Based Pricing

Usage-based pricing is one of the themes in 2021. Both product led growth and service led growth strategies work best when there is an element of usage based pricing. But where to start? We walk you through the best way to layer in usage-based pricing.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

4 Paths to Service-Led Growth

Organizations follow three different paths to adopting a service led growth strategy. They can start with a software platform, a professional services business or with disruptive new technology. Service led growth leads to higher value to customer (V2C) no matter what path you take.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Pricing for Service-Led Growth

Service led growth is an emerging discipline that brings together professional services, software and data to create a growth flywheel. To execute on service led growth pricing must be considered as a system and systems engineering principles applied. This post introduces service led growth and its special pricing considerations.

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Ed Arnold Ed Arnold

5 Speed Bumps for B2B Digital Product Growth

Digital products are part of the strategy of almost all companies, be they born on the web, traditional manufacturers moving into the Internet of Things or professional services companies executing a service led growth strategy. Ed Arnold walks us through a some of the key obstacles to growth and makes available his Digital Product Growth Playbook.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Why service companies discount software ... and why they need to change

More and more services companies are weaving software into their solutions. There is a tendency at some companies to discount the software to maintain margins on professional services. This sends the wrong message to customers and internally. Discounts services before you discount software.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Who is responsible for value documentation?

Value documentation is emerging as a best practice. It is especially important in subscription models or models where there is a lot of repurchase. Many companies lack a formal process for documenting value. Who is responsible for documenting value at your company?

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Pricing as a design problem

Pricing is sometimes seen as a dry technical discipline, focussed on data and the optimization of price levels, discipline around discounting and tweaking of package design. This is too limited a view. We can learn about pricing processes and how to develop them by thinking about pricing as a design problem and leveraging the past three decades of work on design.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

How to negotiate price (getting to positive-sum pricing)

Pricing negotiations are among the most difficult in business. If not framed in terms of value and differentiation they quickly become zero-sum games, in which what one side wins the other side loses. Poorly handled, they can even become negative-sum games, where both sides lose. How can you make sure your pricing negotiations are win-win negotiations?

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Six pricing explorations for 2021

Much of the published content on pricing is meant to be either expository or persuasive. That is to say, it is meant to either explain things to you or to persuade you of a certain approach. That is true for Ibbaka as well. In 2021 we will be layering in something new - exploratory work. These are explorations of pricing and ways to frame pricing where we risk being wrong. It is through exploration that we will be able to move the pricing discipline forward.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

What gets measured gets managed - How to measure your pricing

There is an old saying “what gets measured is what gets managed.” Most companies do not do a good job of managing pricing. Is that because they do not measure it? What aspects of your pricing performance should you be measuring? How will those measurements help you to manage pricing? We conclude with three critical measures you need to get started.

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Jessie Tai Jessie Tai

An overview of pricing strategy

Pricing strategy is critical to commercial excellence. Without a pricing strategy pricing drifts into throw it at the wall pricing and becomes a frozen accident. What are the key aspects of pricing strategy? This post gives you a concrete introduction. It is a great place to get started.

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Rashaqa Rahman Rashaqa Rahman

Applying the Strategic Choice Cascade for Pricing - HSBC Case Study

Discover the transformative potential of strategic pricing with Ibbaka. Our insights on dissecting Roger Martin’s Strategic Choice Cascade, crafting winning aspirations, targeting high-value market segments, and executing tactical decisions to connect value metrics with pricing strategies.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

How not to price - the two most common approaches to pricing

It is often said that cost-based pricing is the most common pricing methodology. I fact the two most common approaches to pricing are ‘throw it at the wall and see what sticks’ and the ‘frozen accident.’ Here is how to recognize these two pricing anti patterns and what to do when you find them.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

How to plan your 2021 pricing strategy

2021 is just around the corner. Here are the three critical things to do to plan you pricing strategy for next year., and a tool to help you with your planning.

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