The latest stories, blog articles, and pricing news from the Ibbaka team

Rashaqa Rahman Rashaqa Rahman

Coming back to pricing work during a global pandemic

Coming back from maternity leave during a pandemic has reframed my understanding of the importance of emotional and community value drivers. At Ibbaka we have always included emotional value drivers in our analysis. Recently we have added community value drivers. We have recently been focussing on trust. As a mother with a child in daycare I have a real appreciation of the value of trust and its implications for pricing.

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Karen Chiang Karen Chiang

Weaving Social Consciousness into Corporate Identity - Community Value Drivers

Research has found that emotional value drivers play an important role in B2B pricing. In our recent work Ibbaka has found that it can be just as important to consider community value drivers, the positive (or negative) impacts a product or service has on the wider community. Including community value in market segmentation, customer targeting and positioning gives important pricing insights.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

How to price new functionality

To thrive, to even survive, one must continually deliver new functionality to the market. For this to be sustainable, there has to be a return on the new functionality. It needs to be priced. In this post we explain how to price new functionality.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Trust is the key to value-based pricing

Value-based pricing is widely recognized as the most effective way to price a differentiated offer and is currently the reigning champion for B2B pricing. Why do so many companies struggle to implement value-based pricing/ There are many reasons, ranging from a lack of understanding of the basic concept to a struggle to communicate their value differentiation. But one of the underlying causes, one that we seldom talk about, is a lack of trust. Trust is the foundation of value-based pricing.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

How to price ... Ibbaka guides to value-based pricing decisions and tools

Ibbaka is sharing a comprehensive set of value-based pricing decision guides and tools that you can use in your product and services management, marketing and sales and customer success work. Build your business on the value you deliver to your customers (V2C or Value to Customer). Let us know what pricing decisions you need to make and what tools will be of most value to you.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

How to price customer success - what is your monetization strategy?

Customer success has emerged as the foundational discipline in the subscription economy. Delivering on its promise requires significant investments, and management teams sometimes struggle to understand and justify these investments. On the other hand, customers can balk at being asked to pay to achieve what has been promised to them. Here is a guide to how you should think through pricing customer success.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

How to use indexed pricing as the economy recovers from the pandemic

The economy will emerge from the pandemic at different times and speeds depending on sector and geography. This will be a tactical challenge for most pricing experts and it will be easy to make mistakes and get your timing wrong. A solution is indexed pricing. Demonstrate that you understand your customer’s business by usinng indexed pricing.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Post Covid 19 we will all need to be strategic pricers -scenario planning is the key to understanding shifting patterns in willingness to pay

In The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing Sixth Edition, Tom Nagle and Georg Muller say “One of the major differences between tactical and strategic pricing is that tactical pricing assumes that price sensitivity is a constant.” Covid 19 has proven this assumption dramatically wrong. We all need to think strategically about pricing. Connecting pricing to scenario planning is critical to this. This is how you will find the leverage needed to shape willingness to pay.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

How to price your learning resources

Many companies provide learning resources to support the adoption of their technologies. Visionary companies and those engaged in category creation go beyond this to help people develop domain level expertise. Large, mature companies often support certificates and credentials. What does value-based pricing have to say about pricing strategies for learning resources?

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Business leaders care about the value capture gap - an interview with Mark Stiving

Ibbaka spoke with pricing expert Mark Stiving about how he developed his expertise in pricing, what could be done to improve pricing education at business schools and the value capture gap. In Mark’s experience, the value capture gap is one of the most effective frames for engaging company leaders in a conversation on pricing.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

How to price integrations

In the enterprise cloud world, integrations are central to value creation and differentiation. How does one go about pricing these integrations? How should vendors see the emergence of platforms that can integrate many different applications. Value-based pricing shows us how to proceed.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

When to price predictive analytics

Many companies are adding predictive analytics capabilities to their offers. We all want to know more about the future, there is more and more data available and deep learning style AIs have been described as prediction machines. How should this new functionality be priced? There is no one answer, but by following the basic value based pricing process one can get to an answer.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

The jobs of pricing scenarios

In a time of uncertainty one of the most powerful tools we have is scenario planning. This approach has been underutilized in pricing, but its power is now becoming apparent. There are three key ways to use pricing scenarios. Each of these is explored here.

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Jessie Tai Jessie Tai

What is Value-Based Pricing?

Why Use Value-based pricing? Pricing can be extremely complex to many as it is a nuanced art but also a strange science. There are many different pricing models and strategies to choose from. It's hard to know where to even start. If your product has differentiated offers and you want the most flexible model that can support different pricing strategies, value-based pricing is for you. Pricing models might seem complicated but here we break down the structure to show the basics of value-based pricing.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

From the Customer Canvas to Pricing - An Interview with Adam Lorant and Doug Lyons

Understanding your customers is critical for value-based pricing. Adam Lorant and Doug Lyons have a long and hugely successful track record in starting and coaching high growth companies. They are now taking those insights and putting them into the customer canvas. In this interview we learn about the customer canvas and explore its connections to pricing.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

From willingness to pay to ability to pay (managing pricing in a time of uncertainty)

Willingness to Pay (WTP) is one of the most popular ideas in pricing. Many software packages or consultants will tell you that they can calculate your customer’s willingness to pay and use that to set prices. What happens when willingness to pay collides with ability to pay? Or when there is compelling community need that transcends either.

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Karen Chiang Karen Chiang

Ibbaka on 2020 Ready to Rocket - Growth Despite Uncertainty

Ibbaka made the Ready to Rocket List for 2020. This list is in its its 18th year and celebrates the British Columbia’s high growth technology companies, those that are most likely to succeed. In this post we share Rocket Builders insights from the launch event.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Research Report - Pricing Actions and Pricing Portfolios

Ibbaka has an ongoing research program in market segmentation, customer targeting and pricing. This connects to our other research in talent, competency and skill management. Market research is outside in. Skill research is inside out. This report is on pricing actions and pricing action portfolios.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Customer value and pricing scenarios (managing pricing in a time of uncertainty)

Value drivers are generally stable over time. Once you understand them and have used them to segment your market you have a solid foundation for your pricing strategy. But when there is a severe supply or demand shock, and we currently have both, that can change. There are some standard patterns for how value drivers change. Understanding these is critical to planning your response to the COVID 19 crisis.

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