The latest stories, blog articles, and pricing news from the Ibbaka team
Why tokens and credits are becoming a standard approach to pricing AI solutions
Tokens and credits are becoming a popular way to price AI agents and applications. Why is this? They offer a unique combination of predictability that is important when pricing early stage general purpose technologies or when there are too many use cases for conventional value based pricing. Design of credit or token based pricing requires special attention to balancing the different pricing incentives.
Ethical Considerations in AI Pricing: Balancing Profit and Accessibility
What ethical issues come up when one uses AI to inform pricing? As adoption of generative AI based applications starts to take off it is time to put in place plans to address and mitigate ethical issues such as transparency, bias, availability and environmental impact. This is part of an AI pricing strategy.
What research is critical for developing GenAI pricing models?
Good pricing requires good data, and one place that data comes from is market research. But what kind of research? Begin with a value model and quantify it with qualitative research and data analysis. Model your costs and test willingness to pay. And don’t forget to see what the competition is up to!
The Evolution of AI Pricing Models: From Consumption to Hybrid and Generative Approaches
Second generation generative AI applications are appearing on the market and with that is coming a change in pricing. First generation applications tended to copy existing pricing models, but now that buyers and sellers are becoming more familiar with generative AI generative pricing is moving from consumption to hybrid and generative approaches.
Questions to ask before hiring a pricing consultant
When and how do you hire a pricing consultant? Pricing consultants have the power to streamline your pricing strategies and enhance profits, yet they may also complicate matters with too much analysis. This article offers crucial advice on when and how to choose a pricing expert wisely.
How to price your learning resources
Many companies provide learning resources to support the adoption of their technologies. Visionary companies and those engaged in category creation go beyond this to help people develop domain level expertise. Large, mature companies often support certificates and credentials. What does value-based pricing have to say about pricing strategies for learning resources?
How to price integrations
In the enterprise cloud world, integrations are central to value creation and differentiation. How does one go about pricing these integrations? How should vendors see the emergence of platforms that can integrate many different applications. Value-based pricing shows us how to proceed.
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