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PeakSpan Masterclass: Pricing Transformations in 2025 with Steven Forth and Edward Wong

Steven Forth is CEO of Ibbaka. Connect on LinkedIn

There are many signs that 2025 will be a year of pricing transformation. We are already seeing greater adoption of hybrid pricing models, a shift from user based pricing to consumption based pricing, a major push towards agents and agenticAI by large companies like Salesforce (Agentforce) and Servicenow and hundreds (possibly thousands) of other companies.

Join Edward Wong and Steven Forth for a PeakSpan Masterclass on pricing trends and actions you will need to take in 2025.

You can sign up for this Master Class here

Some of the key themes for this session are

  • What AI-supported buying implies for pricing and pricing transparency

  • Four emerging packaging patterns for generative AI and what they mean for pricing

  • The growing dominance of hybrid pricing and the forms it is taking

  • The necessary conditions for outcome-based pricing

  • If, when, and how to change your pricing in today’s market

To prepare for the session, we pushed out a simple poll to our LinkedIn network.

We asked, “What do you see as the key pricing trend for B2B SaaS in Q1 2025?” The poll was asked on the Software as a Service - SaaS group, the Professional Pricing Society, and on Steven Forth’s personal feed.

Results of a LinkedIn poll on key pricing trends in Q1 of 2025, poll data from February 19 to 21. N = 122

What was most interesting was the differences between these three groups.

Details of a LinkedIn poll on key pricing trends in Q1 of 2025, poll data from February 19 to 21.

The Professional Pricing Society (PPS) is composed of a mixture of consultants, practitioners (mostly at industrial companies), and tool vendors (mostly price optimization software). The SaaS group is also diverse but is dominated by people managing B2B SaaS companies. (Responses to the poll on Steven Forth’s stream are not analysed here as that group is too diverse to summarize and in any case, the N was small at only 8).

The people actually working in SaaS are most interested in outcome based pricing and consumption based pricing (also known as usage based pricing). The pricing experts are more concerned with hybrid pricing and price increases. These differences reflect the differences in their job roles (pricing experts are often asked to help increase prices) and the zeitgeist (there is a lot of buzz about outcome-based pricing and agents in the SaaS community).

Some of the questions people have been suggesting to us for this master class are …

  • How do I know when to raise prices?

  • How do I choose a pricing metric?

  • How do I introduce new pricing?

We will cover these very practical topics.

Transform your pricing playbook: Join our exclusive 2025 forecast webinar!